Macro Photography - Part 2

May 10, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It’s been awhile since my last blog entry, my apologies for that. My parents are visiting us right now and we are trying to keep them entertained as much as possible.

My new light-former and the Macro tubes came in about a week ago, but I only had one chance to use them yet. What I can tell you so far is the following:

 I find it hard to determine the new minimal focus distance that changed due to the use of the macro tubes.

I really didn’t know that I was so used to the minimal focus distance of my lenses, that a change would affect me so much. But I guess this is just a matter of getting used to it and I can already see the potential of those tubes once I mastered them.

Minimal movement of your object brings it out of perfect focus.

This is nothing new, everybody that tried macro photography once knows that your focus area is quite narrow. Since the macro tubes “magnify” the object, that effect is even increased. So if you needed patience before (“stupid wind, would you stop now!!”) you need even more patience now.


The new light-former proofed to be useful as well. While I anticipated that it would be tricky to use it because of the bulkiness (which is true), it was still pretty useful to light-up my objects.

It’s main purpose is definitely not macro photography, but it can still be used for it. I would not recommend to use it without a tripod or for fast-moving objects, but it can be used quite effectively for everything that sits still.

Here is one of my first examples I shot with this combination and while it is definitely not one of those picture I would put up for sale on my website, it still shows the potential of the combination.

1/250 sec at F11, ISO 400


The bug was sitting on a blade of grass approx. 1 meter of ground. I was sitting pretty still, so I had time to setup the tripod and attach the round flash diffuser to the camera. Unfortunately it was still windy, so I had to wait for those few seconds it settled and the grass was not moving anymore. Most of the times exactly then the bug started to move … you get the idea …

I will continue to test and use the new equipment and will keep you updated on the experiences I make.

I hope you have a photo-tastic week!



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